Pre Wash

To some, the idea of skipping the pre-rinse step before loading dishes into the dishwasher might sound horrifying. However, I personally don't bother rinsing plates; I simply scrape off any remaining food scraps into the bin and load them straight in.

Many dishwasher cycles include a pre-rinse stage, eliminating the need to use extra water (and spend extra money) by rinsing dishes under the tap.

With modern all-in-one dishwasher tablets, which contain both powder and gel-based detergents, you can trust they'll effectively tackle any mess without the need for pre-rinsing.

Detergent Dispenser

Common sense tells us that the detergent dispenser in your dishwasher will release the tablet at the perfect moment during the wash cycle. However, you can also just toss it directly into the dishwasher and not worry too much about it; it'll still do its job.

Concerns may arise about the detergent being washed away during the pre-wash. While dishwasher tablets begin to dissolve upon contact with water (a familiar experience for anyone who's reached into a bag with wet hands), most modern tablets won't completely dissolve during the pre-wash cycle. Moreover, it's a natural part of the cleaning process.

Another aspect to consider is the potential failure of the dispenser. Have you ever found a partially dissolved tablet stuck in the dispenser at the end of a cycle? Or discovered that the dispenser didn't open at all?

What not to load

Certain items should never be placed in your dishwasher, primarily because they risk damage during the cleaning process.

Wooden utensils such as spoons and cutting boards may swell and splinter when exposed to water.

Repeated cycles can dull the blades of sharp knives. Non-stick items and many insulated mugs should also be avoided, as dishwasher use can compromise their special coatings and vacuum seals.


Arrange plates and flat items facing inward to ensure thorough coverage by the spray jets, while pots, pans, deep bowls, and similar items should face downward. Be mindful not to position large items in a manner that obstructs the spray arm.

Avoid overfilling the dishwasher, and ensure there's ample space between dishes and cutlery to allow water and detergent to reach the entire load effectively.